Liquid Soap Packaging

I am so pleased with the results of my latest batches of liquid soap and have begun playing with packaging…
I have never been a fan of plastic, which has been a dilemma of mine for liquid soap packaging…  Growing up with a very naturally focused mother has had its influence on me.  She almost never used plastic.  I was the kid with the paper bag lunch.  My chocolate chip cookies had sunflower seeds and nuts in them.  She also never used Teflon… she stuck with cast iron pans.  She left her hair grey, never died it.  She always looked so beautifully natural… and still does.  She didn’t believe in unnecessary surgery and when they told me to get my adenoids and tonsils removed, she took me to a naturopath when I was 12 years old and they put me on a special diet with no dairy, sugar or wheat for a year… pretty difficult for a 12 year old.  But it worked.
So Mum?  Thanks for always staying true to what you believe in and feel good about and for passing that on to me.
I try to stay true to what I feel great about as well, but without judging others.  I decided not to use palm oil in my products and although I use glycerin in some things, it is palm-free glycerine.  I love the smell of sandalwood but don’t feel great about the potential environmental and controversial harvesting issues so am not using it.  Now I’ll do my best to use as little plastic as possible as well.
I tried glass, but realized that when I get to the point of selling liquid soap, it will be too heavy to ship.  Also, something strange… it smells weird in the glass bottle… it may be the cork top.  It also poured too quickly.
These are working well for me for now, even though the pump top is plastic.  The soap itself, medium lather, with loads of local organic extra-virgin olive oil, soft and mild, with lavender essential oil and a hint of patchouli.  It is still pretty liquidy, but I am getting the hang of getting it slightly thicker.  I think I will begin experimenting with adding local organic jojoba oil as well.  So many experiments on the go!!!
I am giving these out as gifts to some friends but feel pretty excited that I am getting close to being able to sell my liquid soap.  Oh yeah!! I almost forgot to mention that I have been using this batch lately on my hair and really liking it! Pretty excited!
Happy soaping all!!!!
Xo Jen

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