Salty Surprise

  This one turned out better than expected!  My clients have been asking for a special Christmas soap, so I have been slowly designing one in my mind. As I use only natural colourants, I don’t have bright green or red.  I decided to cut up some of my silk soap and green clay soap and add it into the whitest soap I can make… my salt soap without olive oil.
The process did not turn out as expected though… it set very quickly.  I didn’t estimate enough soap either so I pushed shoved and spread the soap into the moulds.  One of the moulds wasn’t even half full.  I ended up loving the result though!
I have been making a lot of salt soap lately.  It sells quickly and I love making it.  I even have some clients with eczema who will only use the salt soap.
Lemon Sea Salt – with organic extra-virgen olive oil and coconut, castor & carrot tissue oil. A lemony blend of essential oils.
My original Sea Salt Bar – with avocado, coconut and castor oil, coloured with indigo, lavender, rosemary and spearmint essential oils.
A new salt bar, which I will make with goat milk next time.  It has my most addictive essential oil blend – patchouli, lavender and geranium.
Now this one – my Christmas salt bar.  Straight up peppermint essential oil. 
I am so pleased with how my salt bars are stamping lately…. And with just 1 simple little adjustment… fine sea salt instead of course sea salt. Note the difference in stamping in the photos - the lemon and plain white one have course sea salt.  The other two - fine. I have never found that course sea salt makes much difference in performance anyway as my salt bars get very smooth and hard when using, regardless if fine or course.
If you are making salt soap… be careful when adding the fine sea salt to make SURE that it all mixes in well.  If not, you may get salt clumps…
Happy Soaping!
Jen xoxo

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