Our First Trade Show

Our first Feria/ Trade Show was such a wonderful experience!  I wish we had more photos of the other stands and of my husband and I in action once the crowds arrived… but the great news is that we just got too busy!!!  We have all sorts of ideas to improve for the next trade show but all in all I think we did pretty well!  Some photos to share with you…
pre-fair packaging fest

earling morning car-window shot on the way there 

set up


Some of the tools of the trade... I put them on show as it was an Artisan Fair and lots of artisans were actually doing their crafts there, like the glass blower, the ceramists, the basket weaver, the baker.... Lots of people were fascinated with these soap making tools

behind the scenes...
the "office"

getting samples ready...
 the quilting stand 

"hotel Volkwagen"

another early morning photo

me at work, when the first customers started arriving... 
I love trying new things… so here are some of the firsts that we did this weekend…
First big trade show
First time selling in Murcia
First time sleeping in a Volkswagen Camper Van (a secret wish of mine for more than 25 years!)
First time my husband and I have worked so closely together non-stop for 3 days, and I was surprised how well it went. I really cannot imagine anyone else that I could have enjoyed it so much with. Maybe Dad…
First time setting up an Expo / trade fair stand
First time using our new Naturalmente Mediterraneo tall marketing stand
First time selling 10 hours straight in a row without stopping
First time meeting a lot of the other trade fair people we met, from all over Spain
First time gorging on these amazing Murcian meat-pies…
First time we giggled ourselves to sleep two nights in a row…
First time (in a few years) that I didn’t even THINK of accessing internet for 3 days running… pathetic isn’t it?  I realized afterward how dependent we are on it
I am sure there are a whole lot more firsts… but I gotta go get my shop set back up…!!
Big hugs and kisses to you all!! Xo Jen

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