Meet Honey Lavender! I lost my purple...

I lost my purple… Well, I kind of left it behind.  Sadly, I am retiring my Wild Lavender soap for now.  I really liked it… and it sold well too.  Problem?  Short shelf life.  Something that didn’t make me proud to sell it any more.  I have never had this problem with any of my other soap, which all have a lot of Olive Oil in them, anywhere from 30 to 100%.  By short shelf-life, I mean that it gets that rancidy oil smell, something that has never happened that I am aware of, to any of my other soaps.  I have had soaps last for years without it…

Retiring "Wild Lavender"

In order to get the purple colour (from Alkanet or Ratanjot) in my Lavender soap, I had to leave the Olive Oil out.  I love olive oil in my soaps and it is one of the main agricultural items we have in this area of Spain. It is so much a part of the Mediterranean identity.  I decided I don’t want to make soap without it right now.  I am not willing to compromise quality for aesthetics, in other words performance for colour.
So I tried several Lavender soaps again with varying quantities of Olive Oil...

... until I made another decision – scrap the colour for now.
Meet Honey Lavender.  Same Essential Oil blend.  Now with fresh local Honey.
I am really enjoying it!!

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