Mum, Soap Studio Camera & Barcelona

 (Olive Scrub Soap)

My mum arrived on Wednesday for a two week visit and I am cherishing every moment with her.  She has come to two markets with me and seen me in action, selling my soap.  She has also been able to see the soap studio right at the moment when the workmen are doing the major works… My fantasies of having a huge open work space won’t happen for now as Spanish Health and Safety require very clearly defined and separated work spaces for Raw Materials, Production, Packaging, Quarantine (Curing) and Finished Products. So it is all being divided up now.  Then after the production space is tiled, and fitted out, my husband and I will get in and paint.

 (Packaging room)

(One of the storerooms – I think this is the Quarantine Storeroom.)
As an early birthday gift, Mum has brought me a new camera … such a wonderful camera, it makes me teary eyed, thinking about her support and generosity… a Canon PowerShot SX40 HS. She has also been here for my daughter, Aurora’s 14th birthday yesterday.
(The very first photo with my new camera - my sweet mum.)
(Second shot - a hand-made cat that my friend made for me with an old sweater of mine.)

Tomorrow morning bright and early Mum, Aurora and I are getting on a train to Barcelona!  I have travelled quite a bit around Spain but I have never been to Barcelona and have always wanted to go. We are going for 5 days and I am so excited!  Then we are taking my daughter to a theme park called Portaventura, near Tarragona. 

I am running dangerously low on products right now as I am letting them run out as they sell… and will be starting production in the studio, where I will build up stock again.

I just feel so wonderfully fortunate right now.  My life feels so full of positive things.  I don’t use the word luck because I don’t really believe much in luck… I believe a lot more in hard work.
So I hope you all have a wonderful Easter week.
Happy Soaping!

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