Catching Up & Blogging

So, the busy summer season has come to an end and I have begun making making making soap again!! And experimenting!!  Oh how I love making soap and experimenting!
Soaps I did for a wedding recently…

Some laundry soap I made…

A wonderful beach afternoon getaway in the Cabo de Gata natural park nearby…
And a reminder that my Website is up live and running!
Wow… I can really get lost in all this computer time… I have to limit myself in order to get other stuff done!
About blogging… for personal blog browsing other people’s blogs, I love big colourful photos with new things to learn.  I don’t have time to read through wordy blog posts so I skim…  and I get annoyed when I realize that a blog is a business plug.  So with this blog, I try to do those things I like – big colourful photos… keep the words down… and not try to push my business… just offer and connect with other people with similar interests.  That said… I am going to focus my other blog, my Naturalmente Mediterráneo blog, on keeping followers up to date about my business and new products and what is going on at Naturalmente Mediterráneo and this blog, my Jenora Soaps blog, for more personal stuff and my experiments.  Hope that’s okay with you all.  Don’t want to change things too much.
So coming soon – a post about my recent experiments / mistakes / surprises!
Happy blogging!!

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