Studio and Shop Opening

We are opening the shop on Saturday July 14th and even though there is so much left to do.... I am so excited!  It's been a wonderfully long and adventurous journey getting to this point.  And I know there are many more adventures to come...  This is just the beginning!!

Admidst political turmoil and intense economic crisis, Spanish football euforia, heatwaves when it reached 46º celcius last week, a generation of young people without work here and abundant fear and negativity from people who express that we are nuts to be opening a business...   with all the hope and dreams and passion possible - WE ARE OPENING THE DOORS TO OUR STUDIO AND SHOP!!!  Yippee Yahoo!!

Thank goodness optimism comes easily to me. I push away negativity as I don't want it in my life.

My technical advisor and I finally submitted everything required to Health Safety and paid them their fees... and we got permission from Town Hall to open.   So it is official.

Anyone that is nearby, please come celebrate with us on July 14th from 10am to 1pm.  We would love to see you there.  To anyone who it not nearby, but has been supporting me with your lovely comments over the years since I started this blog... hope you can think of me on this special day and send a smile.  To all of you - thank you for being a wonderful part of this journey.

Love, hugs, passion and dreams to you all.


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